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Taking care of things #1

Autorenbild: Vesela VladimirovaVesela Vladimirova

Do you also have this similar army of wooden kitchen helpers? They are all so beautiful, made out of wood.

Wood in the kitchen is not having it easy - it contracts and expands when we wash it, and it's also often in direct contact with the very food that we eat. That is why it is important to give it a nice finish every once in a while.

For that reason you don't always need to buy a special oil finish - you can use what you already have in the fridge, namely flaxseed oil (Leinöl, ленено масло).

(You don´t have Leinöl in the fridge? Then go and read this post right now :)

Omega 3

Why this type oil?

Linseed and walnut are natural oils that can create a very durable wood finish. Dry wood is absorbent by nature (like a sponge). Keeping the wood surface covered with oil helps the wood become more resistant to moisture absorption. But this oil is also semi-permeable, meaning that it will allow the wood to breathe. And your kitchen helpers get e nice shine!

DYI Leinöl

How to do it?

Just pour a small amount of oil directly on the wooden surface, then—using a clean rag—wipe the oil over the entire surface. After the tool or the board “wet” with oil let that set overnight.



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